Bon Accord Annual Steam & Vintage Fair - June 15th and 16th

The Bon Accord Steam Engine Club once again hosted the annual steam fair over the weekend of 15th / 16th June at Castle Fraser in Aberdeenshire. The event included steam engines, vintage tractors, vintage and classic cars, working exhibits, commercial vehicles, stationary engines, military vehicles, models and miniature steam as well as……rain.

As in previous years, Aberdeen MGOC were very kindly invited to attend the rally by the Bon Accord Chairman Jamie Blair with whom we’ve had an excellent relationship since he was the manager of Gillanders MG.

A few members attended on Saturday when the weather was reasonable, but the vast majority attended on the Sunday which was a mixture of showers, dry spells, showers, repeat. Nonetheless, it was a brilliant show with plenty to see and do and we were all extremely grateful to Phil Kenyon who had the foresight to bring a tent along – we spent much of the day inside it!!   

Sadly, poor weather has been a factor in virtually every event we have attended this year which is a great shame since an enormous amount of work goes into organising them. There were plenty of empty slots where entrants hadn’t turned up and footfall was definitely down this year.

Fingers crossed for better weather next year – if you’ve never been, make a note somewhere to attend as it’s a great weekend. 

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